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Diversify Portfolio Risks

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Diversify Portfolio Risks

Ideas for Diversifying Portfolio Risks
Alternative strategies can complement traditional portfolios by adding new sources of potential return and helping to lower volatility.
Adding Private Equity to a Portfolio Can Lower Volatility While Boosting Return
Over the past 25 years, adding just 10% in private equity would have meaningfully improved a portfolio’s risk-return profile. Shown below is how a diversified portfolio with Private Equity can perform overtime.
Portfolio Risk/Return Profile 25 Years (Ended 12/31/23)
MYMM Diversify Risks Chart 
Source: Neuberger Berman. Bonds represented by the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, stocks represented by the S&P 500, private equity represented by the Burgiss US Private Equity Index. Nothing herein constitutes a prediction or projection of future events or future market behavior. Historical trends do not imply, forecast or guarantee future results. Due to a variety of factors, actual events or market behavior may differ significantly from any views expressed or any historical results.
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